30 Jan Why Your Business Should Upgrade To A Managed Anti-Virus System
Why Your Business Should Upgrade To A Managed Anti-Virus System
It is important to upgrade your business security with a managed anti-virus system, but why? Anti-virus programs don’t catch viruses when they’re not running. Yes, it’s blatantly obvious, but what’s not always clear is how often your staff are disabling your anti-virus programs so they can squeeze in a little playtime. Maybe download and install a game, free app or get through the block to a suspicious website. It happens in businesses across the country, and more often than you think.
Unfortunately, the biggest threat to your data and network security is your staff. Fantastic, loyal, hardworking people, who make occasional silly decisions. Even the innocent ones, like ignoring the virus software update that keeps popping up, requesting to download the latest protections. Your staff aren’t intentionally putting your systems at risk, but they are creating a weak link that exposes your business to attacks that may cost you thousands.
Free Vs. Managed Anti-Virus
That’s the key difference between free anti-virus and managed anti-virus. The license on free solutions is usually only for home usage. This is because in a business setting, even the slightest gap in your digital walls can lead to lost revenue, delays and even lawsuits. With a managed anti-virus system, your staff can’t do those things. They literally can’t disable the protections or uninstall it, and updates happen automatically.
With the benefit of human oversight, we’re able to see when machines aren’t fully protected or have already become infected. Managed anti-virus means just that – we manage it for you – so that we know when there’s an issue and can take the necessary actions. Often working invisibly to your employees, we can remotely fix small problems before they become big problems, which leaves your employees feeling trusted while your business remains secure.
Managed anti-virus gives your business protection on a much higher level, because let’s face it, the stakes are much bigger. It takes software control out of the end users hands and puts your system security in the hands of an expert. The program can’t be disabled without a password, nor can it be uninstalled by anyone without the highest permissions. When updates are released they are downloaded and applied automatically. No delays, no putting it off until later, no gaps in your digital walls.
When to Switch
This is around the size where it becomes impossible to monitor each computer individually without a full-time IT technician on your team. Users spread out across the network and you’re way too busy to supervise.
Need a managed anti-virus system? Call us today at 570-235-1946 or visit our Contact Page