Author: Jason

[vc_separator type='full_width' position='center' color='#007EEF' thickness='20' up='' down='']   Download our free guide which summarizes everything you need to know about the recent CrowdStrike outage. This is written specifically for business owners round here. Inside you’ll discover:   [unordered_list style='circle' number_type='circle_number' animate='yes' font_weight='normal'] What CrowdStrike is What happened on Friday, July 19, 2024 The impact on businesses – and what it means for you How to protect your business by reviewing IT strategies and contingency plans [/unordered_list]   [action full_width='no' content_in_grid='no' type='normal' icon='fa-arrow-down' icon_size='fa-2x' icon_color='#007EEF' custom_icon='' background_color='' border_color='' show_button='yes' button_text='Download Now' button_link='' button_target=_blank'' button_text_color='' button_hover_text_color='' button_background_color='' button_hover_background_color='' button_border_color='' button_hover_border_color=''] [/action]          ...